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10 docs tagged with "data provider"

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Add Items To Your Profile

You can securely store information of various categories with Raytio. These categories are pre-defined by Raytio or may be created by other organizations to capture information that is relevant to them.

Profile Objects

To share your data with others, you need to add categories to your profile

Reshare Data

Re-share allows a user to share items with a second party that have previously been shared with one party

Share Verifications

You can share multiple verifications with third parties to prove certain facts without revealing private or sensitive information.

Shared Data

You can view (and see the history of) the data that you have shared with others

To Do List

The To Do List will only appear when you have tasks to do, it will not be there all the time

Update Profile Object Permissions

You can share the categories on your profile with others. You can make them public so anyone can view that information, make them only available to Raytio users or only available to select people you have shared it with.


When you add items to your profile, Raytio will verify that information where possible. For example, when you add an identity document, we will attempt to verify that information with the authoritative source (for example the government) and will add that verification to your profile.